Welcome to el sobrante christian school

As a private Christian school, we provide a unique educational experience that extends far beyond academics. We focus on faith, values, and character development in a nurturing environment where children can grow spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally.


Your child will receive a well-rounded academic education grounded in Biblical principles. They will learn from teachers who not only excel in their subjects but also serve as positive role models and mentors, guiding students in their journey of faith and personal growth.


By choosing El Sobrante Christian school, you are investing in your child's future, providing them with not only a top-notch education but also a strong foundation rooted in faith and values that will guide them throughout their lives.


Welcome to ESCS

Contact our school office at (510) 223-2242 for further information.


We are now accepting applications for the 2024/25 school year for Kindergarten through the 8th grade.


Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...


Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

ESCS Elementary and Junior High Campus

5100 Argyle Road

El Sobrante, CA 94803

(510)223-2242  or 223-2252

Fax (510)223-8453